Meet IET® MI Trainer Anita Knight

From Niagara Falls, ON, Canada

What first brought you to IET®?
I attended an information meeting and my Master-Instructor introduced IET to the group by leading us through the Heartlink. It was amazing and I knew I had to find out more!

How long have you practiced IET and tell us about your journey in the modality?
I have been practicing IET since 2003. I knew when I had my first private treatment that I had to take the training. IET has supported me through many big changes in my life. I have always felt supported by the Angels since working with IET. I have seen huge shifts in my clients, my family, and my life. One of my best experiences was using the Advanced Level Techniques to finally get pregnant and have a healthy beautiful girl.

If you are a practitioner of other modalities, tell us about them and what do you find unique about IET?
I am a practitioner of many different modalities including Reiki, Chakra Work, and Spiritual Psychotherapy. IET is different because it pulls the energy out of the system and replaces it rather than moving the energy through or just balancing the energetic system. With IET we do not even have to talk about what is going on. The Angels know what we need to release and support us in the healing that is in our highest and greatest good.

Tell us about the feedback you have gotten from those you have taught or provided sessions for.
The feedback I receive is always 100% positive! Some students will only sign for the basic but always continue to the other 2 levels. Once we start we can’t stop! Clients are always amazed by how IET feels and how tangible it is. They notice a difference right away and often only after 1 treatment. I have also had quite a few students who say they can’t feel the energy but everyone feels something by the end of the Advanced Level. This really helps them to believe in its power.

Please share a special highlight during your experience with IET.
A special highlight for me is using IET to get pregnant. I worked with the Advanced Level techniques, especially the ‘respectfully demanding’. We had been trying for more than a year and had just ‘given up’. I did the process once and a week later found out I was pregnant.

How has your work in IET benefited you personally?
Working with IET has benefitted me personally in so many ways. Wow! From guiding me to a whole new career and working with IET on a regular basis and being able to quit a job I wasn’t enjoying anymore to supporting me in manifesting the life of my dreams, the husband of my dreams, my daughter and so on. IET has impacted my life on every level. It has brought me closer to Divine, supported me in creating a deep and loving relationship with Divinity, unwavering faith, and healed me from ongoing pains and bad habits. It has truly been a blessing in my life.

(Disclaimer: “Meet IET®” articles are written by the individual practitioner, Master-Instructor or MI Trainer. The content reflects their personal experience. No medical claims are made as to the effect or outcome of this treatment approach. Integrated Energy Therapy should be viewed as a complement to, rather than a replacement for, traditional medical approaches. Each person is encouraged to be responsible for the use and choice of professional medical or psychological healing assistance as needed. All Integrated Energy Therapy practitioners must conform to federal, state, and local regulations governing the practice of energy therapy. Integrated Energy Therapy practitioners and Master-Instructor teachers are independent of The Center of Being, Inc., and Stevan J. Thayer whom do not assume responsibility for individual experiences in IET sessions or classes. Integrated Energy Therapy practitioners are not healers nor do they practice medicine of any form. They are not permitted to diagnose or treat disease.)