Barbara Stepniak IET Classes Thank you for your registration for one of Barbara Stepniak’s classes. Please click the class you registered for to pay the fee. Master-Instructor Class Master-Instructor Deposit $210.00 USDMaster-Instructor Final Payment $567.00 USDMaster-Instructor Full Payment $777.00 USD IET Festival of Lights IET Festival of Lights $11.00 USD IET Refresher Classes IET Basic Refresher $77.00 USDIET Intermediate Refresher $77.00 USDIET Advanced Refresher $77.00 USD Steps to Transformation Step 1 Heartlink $35.00 USDStep 2 Activate 12 Strand DNA $35.00 USDStep 3 Clearing Karma $35.00 USDStep 4 Forgiveness $35.00 USDStep 5 Empowered Heart $35.00 USDStep 6 Future Life Progression $35.00 USDStep 7 Freedom $35.00 USD Higher Steps to Transformation Step 8 Grid Healing $35.00 USDStep 9 Pure Joy $35.00 USDStep 10 Compassion $35.00 USDStep 11 Homecoming $35.00 USDStep 12 Unity in Action $35.00 USDStep 13 Asecnsion $35.00 USDStep 14 Being Love, Living Love $35.00 USD