Featured Master-Instructor
Faith Dale Supple

Faith Supple Unlimited
Walden, NY, USA
Phone: 914-213-6302
Email: angels@faithsupple.com
Website: http://www.faithsupple.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Faith-Supple-Unlimited-1449148991835142/
As an Energy Catalyst, my focus is on supporting my clients and students in achieving energetic balance and self-awareness. My goal is that you stand stronger in your own light when our work is complete.
Do you ask - "Who am I?
Why am I here?
How can my wildest dreams come true?"
Many have said that Angel Ariel and The Healing Angels of the Energy Field helped them to find those answers.
I am grateful to be a Master Instructor Trainer who can share IET with willing hearts worldwide. The Angels offer us infinite love and support on our journey...we have only to ask. With IET, they offer us gentle yet powerful ways to benefit from their energy daily in all that we do.
As a student and teacher of energy therapy since the 1990's, and a business professional, I can attest to the practical application of energy therapy in all aspects of one's life.
IET/Integrated Energy Therapy Sessions and Classes
Usui Reiki Sessions and Classes
Crystal Resonance Therapy Sessions
Vogel Healing Sessions and Classes
Primus Activation Classes and Sessions
At Oneness Healing System Facilitation
Crystal Sales
Pay-It-Forward Services and Random Acts of Kindness
Ethical Business Consulting and Mediation for Work & Personal Issues
I am open to invitations to teach in your area.
Offering public conversations and private groups on Facebook and Skype - Faith Supple Unlimited - (http://www.faithsupple.com) or
(https://www.facebook.com/Faith-Supple-Unlimited-1449148991835142/ )
This instructor has no classes scheduled at this time.