Certification Classes — Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, and Master-Instructor Certification classes require an in-person attunement and practice of sessions. They CAN NOT be taught in a virtual environment.
Integrated Energy Therapy® is an attunement-based energy therapy system. Each level of our IET® training system contains an energy attunement that works directly with the 12 Strand DNA to expand, realign, and restructure one or more pairs. Each IET attunement builds progressively with the others to ultimately bring all six pairs of DNA into their full power. IET attunements can only be done by a certified IET Master-Instructor and must be done in person (they cannot be done remotely). In Integrated Energy Therapy we believe that our life is not completely healed until we are living our dreams in life. Therefore, we have developed a progressive focus for our classes that starts with clearing the pain and helping us “survive life”, and progresses to finding and living our soul’s mission so that we can “thrive in life”. All one day classes are 8 hours. All two day classes are 16 hours. Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, (you will give and receive an IET Practice Session) Every student will receive an official printed manual and certificate at class. Students will receive an IET Welcome email within 72 hours of taking the class.

Integrated Energy Therapy Basic Level - one day - 8 hours
Works at the 1st (physical) and 2nd (emotional) pair of the 12 Strand DNA. This class provides you with everything you need to do a powerful Integrated Energy Therapy session on yourself or on another person (either in person or absentee). You will receive a special Basic Level “energy attunement” that will permanently open your energy field to the power of Integrated Energy Therapy Basic level ray. It expands, realigns, and restructures the 1st pair (physical) and 2nd pair (emotional) of your 12 Strand DNA and you will have the ability to clear cellular memory of physical and emotional blockages. You will learn to access angelic energy through a simple yet powerful process that we call Heartlink. This Heartlink is invaluable in and of itself, however, when it is used in conjunction with accessing the energy system, it becomes extremely powerful and effective. You will learn about the nine cellular memory areas where we can unconsciously store “issues in our tissues” that can negatively affect our life. Clearing cellular memory is made quick and easy by means of nine sets of Integrated Energy Therapy Integration Points. In Integrated Energy Therapy clearing energy blocks is only half the task. After energy blocks are cleared, you will learn to channel angelic energy to form an empowerment energy that fills the cellular memory with the opposite of what you cleared. For example, you will learn to clear the energy of guilt and replace it with the energy of innocence.

Integrated Energy Therapy Intermediate Level - one day - 8 hours
Works at the 3rd (mental) and 4th (karmic) pair of the 12 Strand DNA and provides you with the ability to clear physical, emotional, mental, and karmic energy blockages from the human energy field and leave in their place positive energy. It expands on the knowledge and techniques of the Basic Level, opens you to clear mental and karmic patterns through the special pullout-release technique, and that lets you clear blockages from the human energy field. The attunement expands, realigns, and restructures the 3rd and 4th pair of your 12 Strand DNA and you will have the ability to pull physical, emotional, mental, and karmic energy imprints out of the human energy field. The special Integrated Energy Therapy pullout-release technique will turn your hands into “energy magnets” that will allow you to easily attract and clear energy patterns from the human energy field. This will allow you to clear even more difficult energy blockages. You will also be taught to feel and interpret energy blockages and identify the level (physical, emotional, mental, or karmic) that the energy blockages occur.

Integrated Energy Therapy Advanced Level - one day - 8 hours
Works at the 4th pair (genetic soul profile) and 5th pair (soul cluster) of the 12 Strand DNA and provides you with the ability to discover your soul’s mission and attract members of your soul’s cluster to help you live your soul’s mission and bring your dreams alive. This class builds on the knowledge and techniques in the Basic and Intermediate training and is focused on helping you live your soul’s mission and bring your dreams alive. You will receive a special “energy attunement” that will further open your energy field, it expands, realigns, and restructures the 4th and 5th pair of your 12 Strand DNA. You will have the understanding to discover your soul’s mission and attract members of your soul’s cluster to help you live your soul’s mission and bring your dreams alive. Every soul incarnates with a special mission that is not only perfect for that soul but is an integral part of the higher divine plan. The energy attunement will open you to a deeper connection with your 8th chakra (called the soul star) where the complete plan for your soul’s mission is stored. You will learn how to tap into the Soul Star energy and better understand your soul’s mission. You will also learn about the four E’s of living your soul’s mission and how energy blockages can prevent you from living your mission. The deep energy blockages that can prevent you from living your soul’s mission can easily be released through the special Advanced Level Integrated Energy Therapy muscle tension – relaxation techniques. These techniques applied to the arms and legs will accelerate you in the living of your soul’s mission. This Soul Star Clearing technique lets you work directly with the 8th chakra to activate the energy of the soul’s mission and focus angelic energy to bring your dreams alive. As an Advanced Level practitioner, you will be able to give back to Mother Earth by establishing columns of Integrated Energy Therapy energy into the Earth called Heartbeams.

Integrated Energy Therapy Master-Instructor Level - two day - 16 hours
Master-Instructor level works at the 6th pair (alignment with the Divine) of the 12 Strand DNA and provides you with the ability to activate the DNA of others. It will greatly empower your ability to Envision, Embrace, and Enact the Energetic Potential of your vision and dreams and bring them alive in the world. By focusing on optimizing your 12 Strand DNA, it will open your energetic pathways to manifestation and support you in living the life that you are destined to live. This class offers you an opportunity to be in vibrational alignment with your dreams and desires. Beyond your vision for yourself in the world is the angels’ even greater and grander vision for you in the world – something we call your reach. You will begin by identifying and claiming your “reach”. You will receive an energy attunement that expands, realigns, and restructures the 6th pair (alignment with the divine) of your 12 Strand DNA and learn to use techniques designed to open your channels of manifestation and clear your resistance to your reach. The activation of the 6th pair empowers you to attune others to the Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced Levels. Your energy field will operate in an increased state of spiritual surrender known as “thy will not my will”. We call it our IET Energy Fun Fest!

IET For Kids - 2 hour workshop
“IET for Kids” was created for children to share in the wonderful experience. It has been developed especially for children ages 7 to 12. The class provides children with the gift of knowledge in a fun atmosphere. Students will receive a basic level IET “energy attunement” that will permanently open their energy field to the power of Integrated Energy Therapy Basic Level ray. We teach the children to access the energy of angels through a simple yet powerful process that we call a Heartlink. A “heartlink” is a connection made with the angelic realm in which you can visualize a golden chord going from your heart, through your throat, up through your head, and then up to the angelic realm or to a specific angel, usually Angel Ariel or one of the other “Healing Angels of the Energy Field”. Once your Heartlink has been established, children learn how to send love up to the angelic realm or that specific angel and you will find that the love returned is multiplied from the angels to further assist them. Kids learn how to focus angelic energy to wash their energy field clean called an Angel Wash. Using cartoon images and simple concepts, children are introduced to cellular memory and how to clear it with the angel wash technique.

IET For Pets - one day - 8 hours
Our IET for Pets class was developed for people with pets as well as people without pets who love animals. Our objective in designing this class was to focus on cats, dogs, and horses and to teach how to offer a complete Basic Level IET session to these wonderful creatures. The cellular memory in animals is in some ways similar to that of human beings but is in many ways different. This class explores the soul’s mission of these three types of pets (through information channeled from Angel Ariel), details their nine cellular memory areas, their IET integration points, and the complete step-by-step session procedures.