The World Angel Grid

The World Angel Grid
The World Angel grid process was originally channeled information through Stevan Thayer from the angelic realm.  It evolved into the “Higher Steps to Transformation”.

The Angels have asked us to work with them to create a
worldwide grid of angelic energy – a World Angel Grid.
By participating, you can help the Angels to:

Reverse Global Warming

Resolve Conflict Worldwide

End World Hunger

Bring Peace to the Planet

Stevan has been channeling messages from Angel Ariel in which the angels have been requesting our help. The angels are requesting that the IET community work directly with them to introduce a special infusion of angelic energy designed to bring about a much higher level of peace, harmony, and love in our lives and in the lives of people worldwide. This angelic energy will help to clear resistance to love that are creating global warming, civil wars, and unrest worldwide. The angels cannot effectively bring their angelic energy of transformation to the earth plane alone. But with our help, together, we can accomplish the angels’ mission.

Angel Ariel has requested that members of the worldwide IET community work with the angels at a specific time on two specific days. They are not asking us to travel to one location on the Earth, but rather, they are asking us to each participate from our own geographic area and follow a special energy process which will result in the creation of a worldwide grid of angelic energy. Angel Ariel calls this the “World Angel Grid”. Spiritual growth follows a quantum step path and the World Angel Grid will support the world in taking that next quantum step along its spiritual path.

When Stevan first received Angel Ariel’s request, he thought “we are but a few thousand people in a world of billions of people, how can we really make a difference?”. She replied by showing him a humorous metaphor of a dog being wagged by its tail. She reminded him that the acronym for World Angel Grid is WAG. She then went on to say that together, like the tail wagging the dog, in essence we are going to “WAG the World”. Angel Ariel reminded Stevan that it takes only a small amount of light to illuminate a dark room. She informed him that our IET community, while small in comparison to the world’s total population, has reached a sufficient size to allow us to bring in more than enough angelic energy to support the next quantum step in spiritual growth. And it requires your help and support.

As with all angelic energy techniques, we must first bring into our own life the energy that we will then share with others. Therefore you can look at the World Angel Grid as a spiritually selfish process. That is, by participating in the creation of the grid you will interconnect with, and benefit from, the incredible angelic energy of the grid. In addition, your participation will greatly benefit the people of the world and Mother Earth. We will be working as a powerful spiritual community to heal the world one heart at a time starting with your own.

To read the message from Ariel about the World Angel Grid, click World Angel Grid Channeled in 2006

WAGGing the World In Four Phases

Angel Ariel has laid out a plan in which the World Angel Grid is built and expanded in the following phases. Because the angels have no concept of time/space, you can build the World Angel Grid with them whenever you want (and you can do it more than once!).

Phase 1: Anchoring the Grid
Who can participate: IET Master-Instructors Only
Program overview: All IET Master-Instructors participated in anchoring the World Angel Grid. The Phase 1 program is approximately 1 hour in length and begins with a channeled message from Angel Ariel about the World Angel Grid. Stevan then leads you through a process in which we first establish heartbeams as Earth Anchor Points around the world. Then, using special human heartlinks, we work together with the Healing Angels, to weave a nine layer grid of angelic energy.

Phase 2: Completing The Grid – Healing Ourselves- Healing the Planet
Who can participate: All IET Students
Program overview: IET students of all levels of training participated in our Phase 2 “Completing The Grid” program. Our Phase 2 program is approximately 1 hour in length and begins with the channeled message from Angel Ariel about the World Angel Grid. Stevan then leads you through a process in which IET students around the world synchronize with the World Angel Grid anchored in Phase 1 and systematically clear resistance to love and imprint empowerment in themselves and in people worldwide.

Phase 3 “Bringing Joy To The World”!
Who can participate: All IET Students
Program overview: All IET students participated in our Phase 3 WAG program. Thousands of IET students around the world joined together at 3:33 PM in their local time zone and participated in our Phase 3 WAG program. Our Phase 3 program will be approximately 1 hour in length. Stevan has created a WAG Phase 3 audio CD program which will lead you through the new Phase 3 WAG process designed to clear your energy field, elevate your vibration, and bring you and people worldwide into a state of “Pure Joy”. The Phase 3 WAG audio CD is available for purchase. In addition, we will again be offering a free webcast of our Phase 3 WAG program all day Saturday, October 20th, 2007. Many IET Master Instructors will also be holding WAG parties on that day where IET students can get together and follow the process together.

Joy Stone: Before you listen to this World Angel Grid Phase 3 audio program, you will need to select an object, that we call a “Joy Stone”, which you will use during this program to send the energy of Joy to others, as well as after this program to automatically activate this WAG 3 process. While you can use any object as your Joy Stone, we have found that it is best if you use a small object that is made out of something natural like stone, ceramic, crystal, or wood. It would also be best if your Joy Stone is smooth and easy to hold in your hand, and small enough that you can wear it or carry it with you in your pocket or purse. You can, for example, use as your Joy Stone: A small crystal, a small smooth rock, or a worry stone. Or you can use a string of beads like prayer beads, mala beads, rosary beads, or worry beads. You can also use a pendant from a necklace or pendulum. Again, it can be any object that is smooth, and easy to hold in your hand, and small enough that you can wear it, or carry it with you in your pocket or purse, for future use. Please don’t worry about getting the “perfect” object to be your Joy Stone. Any object that is smooth, and easy to hold in your hand, will do. If you find a better object to be your Joy Stone later, you can switch to that one to reactive this Joy Process. Purchase your Joy Stone Here:

Phase 4 “Compassionate Living” 
Who can participate: All IET Students
Program overview: All IET students can participate in our Phase 4 WAG program. Our Phase 4 program will be approximately 1 hour in length. Stevan will be creating a WAG Phase 4 audio CD program which will lead you through the new Phase 4 WAG process. The Phase 4 WAG audio CD is available for purchase.  By participating in our Phase 4 program you will: Learn The New Angel Wash Process, Experience Angel Ariel’s HeartSeed Process, Let Compassion Bloom Brilliantly In Your Life, Travel Inter-Dimensionally into the Dimension of Love.


Great for use as a daily self-healing practice.
Heartlink: Heartlink to Angel Ariel and the Healing Angels.
Prayer: Ask the angels to guide, direct, surround and protect you and ask that this be for your highest good and healing.
Do an Expanded Basic 5-minute Empowerment: This is done by touching the nine-sets of  IET Integration points, one set at a time, and when you touch each set of points, send out a heartlink to the layer of the WAG that corresponds to that Healing Angel and connect to the healing power of the WAG..
Final Balance and Grounding: Touch right hand to left knee and left hand to right knee.


Great for maximizing the amount of Joy in your life.
5-Minute WAG Healing Process: Start with the 5-Minute WAG Healing Process described above, and before the final balancing and grounding add the following.
Power Steps to Transformation: Activate the automatic activations for the “IET Power Steps” techniques as presented in our Power Steps CD and explained in the .
Freedom: Automatic activation – put fingers in chain mudra or drop an angelic halo from the top of your head to your feet, cutting the cords of codependency.
Pure Joy: Use your Joy Stone to bless everyone in your life and elevate them and yourself, with the help of the cherubs, to a wonderful state of Pure Joy. The objective is to hold the energy of Pure Joy in your heart for 10 to 30 minutes. The energy of Joy will stay with you for long after the process.
Final Balance and Grounding: Touch right hand to left knee and left hand to right knee.