By Stevan J Thayer
Some IET Practitioners try to save time when treating cellular memory areas 7, 8 and 9 by starting with the left side and treating 7 left, 8 left and 9 left in sequence, and only then moving to the right side and treating 7 right, 8 right and 9 right in sequence. We call this one side then the other side treatment sequence the “lazy practitioners” method. Please know that the lazy practitioners method will not harm the client, but it will result in a less effective IET treatment than the client receives when the practitioner follows the treatment sequence as it is presented in the IET Basic Level Guide book.
The correct treatment sequence as presented in the IET Basic Level Guide book requires the practitioner to move back and forth from side to side in the sequence 7 left, 7 right, 8 left, 8 right, 9 left, and 9 right. The correct treatment sequence has the advantage over the lazy practitioners sequence in that it allows a client to complete the clearing of each cellular memory area before the IET practitioner moves on to the next area. As such, after resentment is cleared from the area 7 left, the related energy of anger is cleared from area 7 right before the session focuses on area 8. Likewise, stress and powerlessness are cleared from areas 8 left and then 8 right before the session focuses on area 9.
We ask IET practitioners to follow the correct treatment sequence (7 left, 7 right, 8 left, 8 right, 9 left, and 9 right) in their sessions and that IET Master-Instructors teach the correct treatment sequence in their classes.