IET for Kids

“IET for Kids” was created for children to share in the wonderful experience. It has been developed especially for children ages 7 to 12. The class provides children with the gift of knowledge in a fun atmosphere.

Prerequisites: None.

Description: Introduced in October 2003, our IET for Kids program was created in response to ongoing requests we have had from parents who have taken our Integrated Energy Therapy® training class and who wanted their children to share in the wonderful experience. Our IET for Kids class has been developed especially for children ages 7 to 12. The class provides children with the gift of knowledge in a fun atmosphere. Only IET Master-Instructors are authorized to teach this class.

IET for Kids Attunement: Students will receive a basic level IET “energy attunement” that will permanently open their energy field to the power of Integrated Energy Therapy® Basic Level ray.

Angelic Heartlinks: While many children have not lost their natural ability to connect with the energy of angels, we teach the children to access the energy of angels through a simple yet powerful process that we call a Heartlink. A “heartlink” is a connection made with the angelic realm in which you can actually visualize a golden chord going from your heart, through your throat, up through your head and then up to the angelic realm or to a specific angel, usually Angel Ariel or one of the other “Healing Angels of the Energy Field”. Once your Heartlink has been established, children learn how to send love up to the angelic realm or that specific angel and you will find that the love returned is multiplied from the angels to further assist them.

Angel Wash: kids learn how to focus angelic energy to wash their energy field clean.

Kids Eye View of Energy Anatomy: using cartoon images and simple concepts, children are introduced to cellular memory and how to clear it with the angel wash technique.

Class Length: 3 hours.

Class Materials: students will receive a fully illustrated 14 page Integrated Energy Therapy® IET for Kids Level Guide and a special Integrated Energy Therapy® IET for Kids Level Certificate. Please note that graduates of this class are not certified as Basic Level IET students. You may want to provide crayons (to draw their angel) and a pendulum when you teach the dowsing part of this class.

Kids Cover Kids Certificate lower res - with watermark

To see IET for Kids classes that are currently scheduled, click HERE.

Stories and Testimonials:

After teaching the IET for Kids class, my son asked “Can we do Angel Washes at home??”

A fourth grade girl who attended the class asked her Mom if she could go to church with her friends, and expressed excitement regarding her religion class.  Her Mom was thrilled.

A ten year old girl, after the class, heartlinked with her Mom, who was feeling sick.  She loved practicing what she had just learned!

— Sherrie Wharton, Master-Instructor from Huntington, NY

One 11 year old comes home from school and tells her mum she has been scanning chakras and heartlinking to the girls in her class. One day she said “Oh, Mum, Mary was very blocked – she really needed it”!

— Gretta Murphy, Master-Instructor from Tr

amore, Ireland

Master-Instructor Denise Becker has used IET to work with kids (and their parents) in the hospital.  To read her article called “IET on the Pediatric Ward”, click here.